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About Dr. Selma Limam Mansar

Dr. Selma Limam Mansar

Associate Dean of Education
Teaching Professor of Information Systems Carnegie Mellon University
(President, Qatar AIS Chapter)


Selma Limam Mansar holds a master's degree(1995) and a Ph.D (1999) in industrial engineering from Institude National Polytechniqye de Grenoble, France. She had experienced various global educational models, holding academic positions at Zayed University (UAE), London Metropolitan University (UK) and the Technical University in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) Her area of research focuses on Business Process Management, particularly on tools and best practices in Business Process Design and Reengineering. She is focusing on applications for healthcare and wellbeing, exploring the effectiveness of mobile applications.

Contact Dr. Selma Limam Mansar (selmal@andrew.cmu.edu)


How to join

If you want to be part of the Qatar Chapter, you can click here to go to the main AIS website, and join us by choosing the Qatar Chapter


Contact Us

Telephone: +9744445556
Email: info@qrais.org
Website: qrais.org